
Are You Getting Enough Sleep?
In the midst of your hectic, fast-paced life, getting a good night’s sleep can easily slip down your priority list.Consider this a wake-up call.Research shows most adults need at least 7 hours of s...

Gender Differences in Diabetes
Diabetes affects men and women in different ways. Data shows that men with diabetes — specifically type 2 — are more likely to receive a diagnosis than women are.However, research also indicates th...

How to Carefully Manage Diabetes on a Budget
Some things in life are hard to afford. Diabetes care shouldn’t be one of them. So, what are ways to make staying healthy affordable? Here are some areas of focus to keep you from breaking the bank...

Diabetes exercise and workout
Learn about exercising with diabetes, including workout tips, sample exercise routines, and more.
Table of contents
What effects does exercise have on the body
How to overcome exercise resistance

6 Ways to Not Stress Out When Travelling
Visiting a new, unfamiliar place can lead to anxiety and stress — which, in turn, can affect your blood sugar.So, how do you keep stress at bay while enjoying time away?
Table of contents
Pack Ahe...

5 Ways to Manage Exercise and Insulin
Improved insulin sensitivity. Greater strength. Better heart health. Regular exercise helps people with type 2 diabetes manage their blood sugar in more ways than one.At the same time, if you take ...

Diabulimia and Diabetes: The Eating Disorder No Ones Talks About
Most people don’t like to discuss eating disorders. Although you’ve likely heard of anorexia and bulimia, another eating disorder that affects individuals with type 1 diabetes is diabulimia.What is...

5 Tips to Stay in Range for the Holidays
The holidays are all about family and festivities, but a whole lot of food usually shows up at these holiday gatherings. All of this food, activity and travel can disrupt your normal routine — and ...

Managing Holiday Stress and Diabetes
The holidays are supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year. But they can also be packed with stress — especially if you have diabetes. Travel, changing routines and lack of sleep all make ...